Program Details

Orphanage / Child Care Assistance (Lusaka) Volunteer at a local children's home which supports, houses and feeds 30 youngsters. The children are all ages from infants to teenagers. Most of these children have lost parents to Aids, some have been abandoned
Lusaka, Zambia
Program Type:
Volunteer Abroad
Degree Level:
Work Types:
Education, Health, Social Services
1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, 1-3 months, 4-6 months, 1 year

Program Overview

Program Description:
Lusaka is the colorful capital city that maintains a unique sense of African charm. The lively urban area is spread out over 30 miles with growing suburbs, shanty towns and large markets that are a hive of activity. The city has thousands of market stalls with fruit, fish, nuts, African art and clothing. Although the unemployment rate in the city is quite high, over 60%, there are few beggars and street crime.. Most people try to make an honest living, selling their wares or services and are polite and friendly.

Orphanage / Child Care Assistance (Lusaka) Volunteer at a local children's home which supports, houses and feeds 30 youngsters. The children are all ages from infants to teenagers. Most of these children have lost parents to Aids, some have been abandoned, and they knew only abuse, hunger and fear. The orphanage strives to provide a better future for some of the most vulnerable children in Zambia. As a volunteer, you will primarily assist with the daily care of the kids; including bathing, feeding and clothing. You can play games, arrange activities, create arts & crafts projects and share your time and caring with these wonderful children. Training of vocational skills, like beading, or arts and crafts, or sewing is welcome. Prior experience not necessary, volunteers should have a lot of patience, an open mind and a sense of compassion.

Health Care / HIV Program (Lusaka) Traditionally hospice care was associated with care of the dying and for this reason many people shy away from palliative care. However, the role of hospice care center also focuses on offering an improved quality of life for all suffering from life-threatening illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and Cancer. The facilities at this project include: training of care takers, an out-patient department (which supports over 4000 people), special care units, in-patient wards (for 35 patients), mobile hospice project for outreach and the Anti-Retro Viral therapy program, and counselling. As a volunteer you would support these on-going programs with clinical work, administration, patient charting, and any other means required of you. The hospice is located in Lusaka (proper) and is offering quite advance support for the community.
Setting Description:
Youth Advocacy Program (Lusaka) This is a unique possibility to gain deep insight into Zambian culture and the problems concerning its children and youth. Volunteer your time with a local grassroots advocacy organization that is partnering with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) in a fight for children's rights in Zambia. You will have a Country Coordinator who will supervise you throughout this portion of the program. As a volunteer you would support the joint project which will be helping juveniles that come into conflict with the law, combined with weekly assistance at a local orphanage, this project allows you to focus on supporting youth from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The republic of Zambia is a landlocked country in south central Africa whose population exceeds 10 million. Due to its high elevation, Zambia has a mild tropical climate. The weather is so pleasant that is has been nicknamed "The air-conditioned state". Almost one-third of the country is given over to national parks and game reserves, which is home to some of the most abundant animal populations in Africa including big game animals. The major draw to Zambia is the astonishing Victoria Falls, th

Additional Program Information
