Program Details

Orphanage / Child Care Assistance (Tacloban) Our projects are located in orphanages within Tacloban and the surrounding towns. Each orphanage has over 50 children, some with 100 abandoned and unwanted orphans. All these children have come from poor famili
Manila, Philippines
Program Type:
Volunteer Abroad
Degree Level:
Work Types:
Education, Health, Social Services
1-2 weeks, 1-3 months, 4-6 months, 1 year

Program Overview

Program Description:
Woman's Support Program (Tacloban) By volunteering in a womens shelter, you can help promote female empowerment to some of the most disadvantaged and abused women in Filipino society. Issues such as domestic abuse, trafficking and abandonment can leave many women in the Philippines feeling isolated and despondent. Many situations are not brought to the attention of authorities; however, the women in the shelter were referred to the court and placed in the program for their safety and to receive rehabilitative services. Volunteers will assist the shelter’s social services staff to help the client develop a support system, strengthen problem-solving and coping skills, and develop livelihood skills.

Orphanage / Child Care Assistance (Tacloban) Our projects are located in orphanages within Tacloban and the surrounding towns. Each orphanage has over 50 children, some with 100 abandoned and unwanted orphans. All these children have come from poor families and many have suffered from malnutrition or neglect. The children thrive on the attention and love our volunteers can share with them. Volunteers are free to tutor the children, organize arts and crafts or sports activities, and help out with basic chores such as feeding the kids, and folding laundry. This is a meaningful way to learn first hand the hardship most children in the world face, and give back to the underprivileged children growing up in a Third World country. Prior experience not necessary, volunteers should have a lot of patience and come prepared with creative ideas and games to share with the kids.

Street Kids / Youth Program (Tacloban) Volunteer at a shelter/rehabilitation center for street kids and disadvantaged youth. Most children who have settled on the streets have families of their own but turn to the streets in search of food. Glue sniffing, known as "rugby" is a common addiction amongst the street children who turn to this drug to suppress their hunger pains.
Setting Description:
Teaching English (Tacloban) Volunteers support local primary and secondary schools throughout Tacloban City that provides free education to orphans and vulnerable children. Native English speakers are needed to assist the local teachers in teaching English and other subjects. The classes are conducted five days a week, in morning and afternoon sessions. The school year runs from the beginning of June through the end of March (school is closed April and May, and three weeks in December) Prior experience is not required, guidance will be provided as to what subjects to cover, but volunteer teachers will be expected to help prepare lessons. Bringing teaching aids (flash cards, picture books, alphabet and number games, maps) with you is highly recommended, and needed.
Health Care Program (Tacloban) Volunteers with medical experience are placed in local community health clinic around Tacloban City.Most clinics are very busy, understaffed; with limited medical supplies. There is a wide variety of cases but disease such as malaria, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and syphilis, as well as childbirth/maternity needs are most common. Cost can be found on our website.

Additional Program Information
