Program Details

Orphanage Support & Education, Makuyu Village At this project volunteers support a growing orphanage in the farming town Maragwa located in the Central Highlands of Kenya. The orphanage is home to almost 20 children. Most of these children are rescued fr
Nairobi, Kenya
Program Type:
Volunteer Abroad
Degree Level:
Work Types:
Education, Health, Social Services
1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, 1-3 months, 4-6 months, 1 year

Program Overview

Program Description:
Lies along the equator on the eastern coast of Africa. Kenya is bordered by Somalia and the Indian Ocean to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west and Tanzania to the south. The country has incredible topographical diversity, including mountains with snow-capped peaks, the Rift Valley with its scarps and volcanoes, flat desert landscapes and coral reefs and islets on the Indian Ocean coast. When most people think of Kenya, they think of world famous wilderness reserves and safari vacations – but there is so much more. Kenya is home to over 50 different ethnic tribes, all with their own languages, cultures and customs. Regarded by many as the 'jewel of East Africa', Kenya also has some of Africa’s best beaches, scenic countryside and a sophisticated tourist infrastructure. 10% of the land is designated as national parks and reserves and the wildlife sightings are one of a kind.

Orphanage Support & Education, Makuyu Village At this project volunteers support a growing orphanage in the farming town Maragwa located in the Central Highlands of Kenya. The orphanage is home to almost 20 children. Most of these children are rescued from the streets of Nairobi, or have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. The children are provided a comfortable home, food and education by the orphanage director and his staff.

HIV / Aids Prevention, Mombasa Volunteers work with a local grassroots organization who is providing HIV/AIDS education and support programs to rural communities around Mombasa. This project focuses on providing culturally sensitive methods of awareness and education with the goal of preventing transmission of the disease and seeks to offer assistance and encouragement to those infected with the virus. Some of the activities for volunteers include: Promoting safer sex through education, assisting with home-based care for victims with HIV/Aids, providing free blood testing for the disease, woman empowerment projects for surviving widows of the community, and most especially rural outreach programs to those in need with food distribution, assistance with activities of daily living and providing words of encouragement. Experience in this field is not required. Volunteers with a strong interest in making a difference are welcome.
Setting Description:
Teaching / Education, Mombasa Volunteer in a locally run school, in Mombasa. The children are ages 5yrs-13yrs and provided free education at a children’s center. The school serves hundreds of local children from the surrounding communities. Volunteers support the local teachers with English and math classes; encourage students to learn and play and instill pride in their schooling. Volunteers can assist with the physical upkeep of the school; painting, decorating, mending desks etc. Prior teaching experience is not required; volunteer simply need an open mind, caring spirit and a compassionate nature.
Medical / Health, Mombasa Volunteers with medical experience are needed to work in a large Hospital in Mombasa. This program is open to medical professionals, as well as 3rd-4th medical and nursing students. There is a wide variety of cases but disease such as malaria, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and syphilis, as well as childbirth/maternity needs are most common. Volunteers with medical training; doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians participate in direct patient care such as diagnosing, inje

Additional Program Information
