Program Details

This course is taught at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome campus (Rome, Italy), Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands), and Freie Universität Berlin/FUBiS (Berlin, Germany) as part of the China Europe International Summer School (CEISS).
Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy; Utrecht, Netherlands
Program Type:
Study Abroad
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:
The mode of instruction consists of class lectures etc. This course has been designed for students of the humanities and social sciences, including economics and business, political sciences, European studies, international relations, history, culture studies and sociology, the sciences and engineering at senior undergraduate or graduate level with an interest in culture, society and politics. A general background in the social sciences may help, but no specific expertise is required. This course is taught by Dr. Wendelijn van der Leest, MPhil from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome campus.

This course is taught at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome campus (Rome, Italy), Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands), and Freie Universität Berlin/FUBiS (Berlin, Germany) as part of the China Europe International Summer School (CEISS). Dive into the history of Europe and its role on the world stage with this multidisciplinary approach to numerous life-changing events from a political, economic and societal perspective. This course provides an exciting overview of the history and workings of Europe, which you will be studying in three of the most exciting cities of Europe: Rome, Utrecht and Berlin. You will gain insight into the making of Europe from its most ancient roots to its most current affairs. The program will present topics ranging from: the Roman Empire, the Renaissance and Baroque on the one hand and the Middle Ages, the Dutch Golden Age the role of religion in society on the other hand. To round of this course you will be introduced to the three world wars in the 20th century, the fall of communism and the rise of European collaboration and global relations. You will be able to emerge yourself in European history and culture and visit many of the tangible remains during excursions. Rome is the place for you to start exploring ‘The Making of Europe’. During this course you will make a voyage from Antiquity to the later Middle Ages, highlighting its politics, religious affairs and societal developments that found expression in magnificent artistic accomplishments on its way. We will be studying Rome´s and Europe´s history from inside and outside the classroom. You will certainly ´experience´ history this way! Taking the beautiful, ancient city of Utrecht as a starting point, the second part of the course will take you on a journey that illuminates the rise of modern Europe from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century. We discuss the history of Europe and explore important political, religious and cultural themes during our lectures and various excursions. Amsterdam, The Hague and several historical museums in Utrecht are on the agenda as well, ensuring that you will be able to really ‘experience’ history during these two weeks! The final leg of the course will be taught in the thrilling city of Berlin, focusing on the making of Europe from a 20th century perspective. You will not only explore the background and history of the World Wars and the era leading up to it, but you will also be introduced to the Interbellum, the Cold War, and the relations of Europe with Russia and the USA. Several excursions will be organized in which you will visit some of the most iconic German landmarks. At the end of this course, students should be able to:? • Describe and evaluate different of the historic developments of Europe, including Europe’s role on the world stage? • Discern and analyse key factors in facilitating these developments? • Demonstrate an understanding of political, socio-economic and cultural aspects of the European developments ? • Demonstrate this detailed and critical knowledge and understanding in written and verbal form.

Setting Description:
-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome campus, Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is Europe’s most important Catholic university. It is also the only university in Italy with campuses all over the country: in Milan, Piacenza, Cremona, Brescia and Rome – also home to the Agostino Gemelli General Hospital (which as the official hospital for the Pope keeps a suite of reserved rooms always available for him). Academic excellence, a commitment to charting the frontiers of research, and high standards of services are the strengths of an institution long recognised for its openness to innovation and change. Università Cattolica holds a place in European tradition as a seat of cultural development; the strong and essential focus on a comprehensive, unifying building of knowledge facilitates an understanding and interpretation of the complexities of life today. The university’s mission translates into the offer of an education focuse
3.495 Euro (course fees + course materials + housing + travel)